When a benefit has been created, you should think about which measures you want to create for this benefit. You can create a measure that has a direct relationship to the benefit or you can create multiple measures that are together used to calculate the benefit. In the benefit calculation, the created measures can be added together or they can be multiplied, divided or subtracted. When deciding how to measure a benefit, you should keep in mind that the measure needs to be Specific, Measurable, Achievable. Relevant and Time-bound.
Benefits can use a combination of measures specifically created for this benefit and shared measures (measures that have been created at an enterprise or business case level). When you do not change the advanced fields of a measure, the measure will have an FMO and a CMO and can be measured regularly. A measure can also be "not to be measured" and "compounding" as described in Creating a New Measure. Regular measures and "not to be measured"/"compounding" measures can be combined in the formula on the benefit.
You can create a measure through the Plan Tab in the benefit dashboard. When you create a measure through Amplify's New Measure button you are automatically led through the steps you need to take to create the measure. However, you can then only create a target, linear or indexed FMO and you cannot select what CMO to create.
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