Locking Approver Roles based on role
Hi Team,
Based on recent discussions regarding the locker approver role functionality in 21.3, a few use-cases came up for potential changes.
As the locking approver role button causes the whole workflow to be locked, this poses some issues for those approvers are set by the initiative owner. In some cases, there may be set approvers for all of the stages but there is occasionally an approver that needs to be set by the initiative owner. For those who have workflows in which one of the stages may require slightly different approvers on an initiative by initiative bases, would it be possible to have access for admins only. This way it allows admins the flexibility to change approvers on the workflow based on initiative but does not allow other users to add/modify approver roles. This would allow for a certain role such as the PM for an workstream/initiative to have the ability to change the roles without having to toggle the option every time a change needs to be made.
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