Classifications are templates that form the basis for creating different types of components Amplify uses for emulating an enterprise. Benefits, Business Cases, Goals, Initiatives, Map Item Classification, Measures, RAID item, Cost Categories, Resource, and Team Classifications are the core classification types available in Amplify. Different classifications can be created from the above classification types. For example, an initiative type classification can be used to create a Portfolio, Program, or Project classification.
When you click on Classifications in the Administration menu, the different types of Benefits, Business Cases, Goals, Initiatives, Map Item Classification, Measures, RAID item, Cost Categories, Resource, and Team Classifications are listed. You can modify the existing classifications or create new ones.
To edit existing classifications click on the Edit button in the Action column in the classification row you would like to edit. Use the Remove button in the Edit Dashboard if you would like to remove this classification.
To create a new classification:
- Click on the + Classification button.
- Select the type of object you would like to classify from the list.
- Enter the Name of this classification.
- When you have selected the type Goal, you have to select if this classification is at Enterprise Level or Initiative Level.
- When you have selected the type Initiative, your configuration becomes highly customisable. A complete description of the options is found in the Initiative Object Type Classification section.
- Enter the Hexidecimal code that corresponds with the colour you would like to use for this classification. This colour is used on the Benefit Map, in the Enterprise/Investment type Dashboard and in the Hierarchy.
- If you want users to be able to create objects belonging to the current classification on the Map feature, select Allow objects of this type to be created using the Map. This option is not available if you have selected the type Measure or Business case.
- Click on the Save button.
The classification that you created will be available for use while creating new items through the registers. However, Amplify also allow objects of this classification to be created from the Benefit Map.
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