Amplify supports two rating systems, simple and calculated. The rating system is set on the classification for each RAID item. Classifications configured to use simple ratings allow the user to choose a single rating defined in section 1 - Ratings. Note: Enabling the Display on Dashboard setting will ensure that the RAID item will display the rating on dashboards. For example, if the Rating 'Extreme' has this configuration setting enabled, any RAID with this rating will display in the Delivery Threats widget on the Performance dashboard.
The calculated rating system requires the user to nominate a likelihood and an impact defined in section 2 - Likelihood and Impact. The rating is calculated from the matrix in section 3 - Calculated Matrix.
If the classification is configured to use calculated ratings, users will see the Impact and Likelihood selection fields on RAID add and edit forms. They can select any values defined in section 2. Amplify will then calculate the final risk rating using the matrix given in section 3. The values across denote impact in the above matrix, and the values on the left show likelihood. If the user selects impact as 'Unlikely' and likelihood as 'High' on the RAID form, the rating will be displayed as 'High', as you can see in the screenshot above.
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