A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K- L - M - N - O - P - Q- R- S- T- U - V - W - X - Y
Archive - A state in which the item remains inactive. In Amplify, it is possible to archive initiatives, benefits, RAID items, goals, and measures.
Assumption - A fact considered true without any proof or evidence, used as a basis for project planning. In Amplify, an assumption is logged as one of the RAID items.
Baseline - A set of original values recorded against project schedule, cost and benefit. In Amplify, baselines can be used to evaluate the progress of schedule and benefits delivery.
Benefits - A positive and measurable result of a set of tasks or a project. Amplify allows you to document, prioritise, monitor, and manage benefits to realise them optimally.
Benefit Map - A method of visually depicting connections between Initiatives, Benefits, Risks, and Goals can help you determine what steps should be taken in what order to attain optimal results. Benefit Map interface in Amplify can be enabled or disabled as per user requirement.
Business Case - A collection of reasons and justifications for undertaking a project or program, outlining the benefits that can be achieved, the cost involved, expected duration required for implementing the solution, the expected return on investment and the risks.
Classification - A template that forms the basis for creating different types of components Amplify uses for emulating an enterprise. Benefits, Business Cases, Goals, Initiatives, Map Item Classification, Measures, RAID item, Cost Categories, Resource, and Team Classifications are the core classification types available in Amplify. Different classifications can be created from the above classification types. For example, a Portfolio, Program, or Project classification can be created from an initiative type classification. Each classification can then be used to create specific components of an enterprise. For example, All projects within your enterprise are created using the Project classification; different operational costs can be created using a cost classification named 'Opex'. A classification can be configured to have a distinct set of attributes to represent their specific behaviour. For example, Project classification can have benefits and costs to allow users to record benefit returns and costs. In contrast, a Portfolio classification can have the ROI Dashboard so that the users watching the Portfolio get to see the Return on Investment.
Costs - Expenses or investments required to run a project or program. In Amplify different types of costs can be created, related costs can be grouped, which can then be used to capture budgeted and actual costs on a regular basis. Costs can be monitored and compared against the benefits to evaluate the return on investments.
Cost Categories - Categories of cost classification. For example, Professional fee, Training fee etc. can be cost categories under the Capex classification.
Cost Group - Group of cost categories.
Dependency - Association between a task in a project to a task or milestone in another project where one is dependent on another to start or end.
Gantt Chart - A horizontal bar chart that depicts project tasks and milestones, with their dependencies across a timeline allowing you to calculate the critical path. Amplify has a Gantt Chart tool that can be used to manage the project schedule.
Goal - The desired outcome of a project or program.
Health Overview - A pie chart displayed on Amplify's Performance Dashboard that represents the overall status. Health overview charts are available for benefits and initiatives and are depicted based on the Amplify Index incase of benefits and the overall status in case of initiatives.
Initiative - In Amplify, a standard term used to denote a program, project, portfolio, or any similar undertaking you want to manage through Amplify.
Integrations - An Amplify feature that provides an interface to upload data from excel files into Amplify in bulk quantity, by mapping fields in excel files to matching attribute names in Amplify. Integration feature can be utilised when you have many users, benefits, initiatives, and cost values that you want to load into Amplify in one go.
Issue - A complication that needs to be solved for the project to run smoothly.
Measure - The value that is recorded as the benefits return. Sometimes more than one type of return will be available, in which case Amplify allows you to define multiple measures.
Project - An activity undertaken by an organisation to attain a benefit.
RAID - Abbreviation for Risks, Assumptions, Issues and Dependencies. In Amplify, the RAID items are logged on the same interface, where each is assigned a rating depending upon the impact on the project.
Register - The name used to denote the card view or the Amplify interface that displays the list of items, be it initiatives, benefits, RAID items, goals, or measures, that displays upon clicking the respective sub-menu. For example, clicking on the Initiatives sub-menu will display the Initiatives Register, and clicking on the RAID Items sub-menu will display the RAID Register.
Resolution - The frequency at which the benefit value is captured in Amplify. Resolution can be yearly, monthly, daily, weekly or quarterly.
Resource Capacity - The total capacity of resources defined for a project or program.
Resource Demand - The total number of resource required to run a project or program.
Risk - A possible problem, which if not identified, may lead to project failure.
Return on Investment - A performance indicator used to measure the efficiency of an investment. In Amplify, this value is displayed on the Investment Dashboard.
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