Data mapping involves mapping each column in the source file to a target attribute within Amplify. Accurate mapping ensures that data in each column in the source spreadsheet ends up in the most appropriate attribute, and the integration completes successfully. This article contains the recommended source-to-target mapping along with few guidelines.
We have used the Configuration and Fastload Spreadsheet as the source spreadsheet. The mappable fields you see on the Integration interface upon clicking the Edit Mapping button are the target fields.
Key points to note:
- Please take care that all columns marked as mandatory in the table below are included in the source spreadsheet, and data is available in them. You are free to exclude the data columns that are not marked as mandatory here if they are not relevant for your project.
- The mapping interface will show mappable fields only for columns included in the source spreadsheet. If, for any reason, you do not want to import a column in the spreadsheet after uploading, select No Action in the Type field of the mapping interface, for that column so that it will not be mapped and hence not imported.
- The mapping process will return errors if classification names or other configurable object names provided in the spreadsheet does not match with the corresponding labels set up in Amplify. For example, if a project classification name is spelled as "Sub-Program" in the uploaded spreadsheet while it is labelled, "SubProgram" within Amplify will return an error when previewed on the mapping interface.
- The purpose of the Identifier Lookup field is to locate a specific ID within the database. You can utilise this field when you want to locate an existing ID and update the existing data corresponding to that ID. This option is not useful if you are importing data for the first time.
- The line limit for the Fastload spreadsheets is 2000 lines. If your data requires more than 2000 lines you will need to create multiple spreadsheets and upload them consecutively.
Scroll down to read about mapping specifications for:
Mapping Specifications for Initiative Integration
Column Label in the source spreadsheet (labels are kept identical to the column labels in the Initiative Fastload Sheet) | What data should this column contain? | Is this data mandatory for mapping? |
Which Initiative attribute should this column be mapped to? |
What type of data is this?/ what is the name of the field associated via Attribute Assignment? |
Additional Information |
Parent External ID or Amplify ID | Amplify ID, name or external ID of the Parent initiative within which the project in the excel sheet will be copied. | Yes |
Parent Initiative
Select any of these options based on what type of data you have added in the source file.
Enable the Fallback to Default Initiative option if the Parent Initiative ID specified in the excel sheet does not exist in Amplify, and you want an initiative of your choice to be used in its place. Note: This option is mostly used after previewing the mapping when Amplify returns an error stating that it could not find an initiative of that name in the system. |
Project Name | This column should contain the name of the project | Yes | use 'Attribute Assignment'. | Name | |
Project External ID | This column should contain a unique external identifier. The ID is copied over to Amplify during the first integration and used to find matching records for updating the data. | No | Identifier Lookup | External ID |
The external ID will be useful if you want to update project data via integrations later. Amplify will update the project details based on a match to the external ID. If a Project External ID is not used for your project, please add No Action in the Type field. |
Project Classification | Initiative classification to which the project would belong | Yes | Classification |
Select any of these options based on what type of data you have added in the source file. |
Project Owner | User name, email, or ID of the user who would be the project owner | Yes | Owner |
Select any of these options based on what type of data you have added in the source file. Enable the Fallback to Default User option if the user specified in the excel sheet does not exist in Amplify, and you want to select another user name. Note: This option is mostly used after previewing the mapping when Amplify returns an error stating that it could not find a user of that name in the system. |
Project Description | Project description which would display on the Project Properties dashboard | No | use 'Attribute Assignment'. | Description | |
Start Date | Project start date | Yes | use 'Attribute Assignment'. | Start Date | |
End Date | Project end date | Yes | use 'Attribute Assignment'. | End Date | |
Team Role Assignment 1 | This column should contain a user name and a team role that the user name will be assigned with, in the project team. | No | use 'Attribute Assignment.' |
<<any team role>> Next, match on Name or Email based on what the source data format is. |
Current Stage | The stage that the project will assume after integration. | No | Current Stage |
Select the name of the user who approved the stage in the Advancing User field.
Gate 1 Date | Milestone approval date of the initial stage. This column needs to have data only if the current stage is not the first stage in the process, but a second or third stage. The date you add here will be saved as the date on which the first milestone was approved. | No | Stage Milestone Date | Map all stage-gate attributes the same way. | |
Overall Status | This column should contain the overall status indicators (for example, GREEN, AMBER, RED) | No | 'Attribute Assignment' | Overall Status | Ensure that the Status Reporting Indicators are enabled and "Overall Status" indicator is configured for the initiative classification. |
Risk Status | This column should contain the risk status indicators (for example, GREEN, AMBER, RED) | No | 'Attribute Assignment' | Risk Status | Ensure that the Status Reporting Indicators are enabled and "Risk Status" indicator is configured for the initiative classification. |
Financial Status | This column should contain the financial status indicators (for example, GREEN, AMBER, RED) | No | 'Attribute Assignment' | Financial Status | Ensure that the Status Reporting Indicators are enabled and "Financial Status" indicator is configured for the initiative classification. |
Issue Status | This column should contain the issue status indicators (for example, GREEN, AMBER, RED) | No | 'Attribute Assignment' | Issue Status | Ensure that the Status Reporting Indicators are enabled and "Issue Status" indicator is configured for the initiative classification. |
Schedule Status | This column should contain the schedule status indicators (for example, GREEN, AMBER, RED) | No | 'Attribute Assignment' | Schedule Status | Ensure that the Status Reporting Indicators are enabled and "Schedule Status" indicator is configured for the initiative classification. |
Custom Field1 (Name of the custom field) | This column should contain the custom field values. | No | 'Custom Field' | Select the custom field name in the field below. | Depending on the type of custom field (for example, select field, traffic light, or option field) you will have to match the attributes. |
Mapping Specifications for RAID Integration
Column Label in the source spreadsheet (labels are kept identical to the column labels in the RAID Fastload Sheet) | What data should this column contain? | Is this data mandatory for mapping? |
Which RAID attribute should this column be mapped to? |
What type of data is this?/ what is the name of the field associated via Attribute Assignment? |
Additional Information |
Classification | The name of the risk classification that you want to import | Yes |
Select any of these options based on what type of data you have added in the source file.
Enable the Fallback to Default Classification option if the Classification specified in the excel sheet does not exist in Amplify. You want a classification of your choice to be used in its place. Note: This option is mostly used after previewing the mapping when Amplify returns an error stating that it could not find a classification of that name in the system. |
Name | Name of the RAID Item that is being imported | Yes | use 'Attribute Assignment.' | Name | |
Description | Description of the RAID item that is being imported. | No | use 'Attribute Assignment.' |
Description |
Parent Initiative | Amplify ID, name or external ID of the Parent initiative within which new risks will be copied. | Yes | Parent Initiative |
Select any of these options based on what type of data you have added in the source file. |
Assign to Type | This column should contain values that decide what the RAID Item should be assigned to. You can choose Initiative or Benefit. If it is a risk that you are importing, the value in this column determines if it is a delivery risk or a realisation risk. | Yes | use 'Attribute Assignment'. | Assign To Type | |
Assign To | If you entered 'Initiative' in the Assign to Type column, this column should capture which initiative the RAID item is assigned. You can enter the name, ID, or external ID of the initiative. If you entered 'Benefit', this field should capture the name of the benefit. | Yes | use 'Attribute Assignment'. |
If the Assign to Type is 'Initiative', select any of these options based on what type of data you have added in the source file. If it is 'Benefit', select the option: 'Name'. |
Linked Task | This field should contain the task's name within the initiative to which the RAID item is assigned. | No | Linked Task |
This field should be mapped only if you mapped ' Assign to Type to 'Initiative'. Else select 'No Action' in this field. Select any of these options based on what type of data you have added in the source file. |
Likelihood | This field should capture the likelihood. You need not have this column in the excel sheet if the initiative classification uses Simple rating. | No | Likelihood |
Select any of these options based on what type of data you have added in the source file. |
Impact | This field should capture the impact. In the case of Likelihood, this data needs to be captured only if the parent initiative classification has Calculated rating enabled. | No | Impact |
Select any of these options based on what type of data you have added in the source file. |
Rating | This field should capture the rating of the RAID item. This field needs to be captured only if the parent initiative uses Simple rating mechanism. If the Calculated rating mechanism is used, only Impact and Likelihood need to be captured. Amplify calculates the rating during the integration process. | No | Rating |
Select any of these options based on what type of data you have added in the source file. |
Mitigation/Action Plan | This field should contain the action plan or risk mitigation plan | No | use 'Attribute Assignment.' | Mitigation/Action Plan | |
Review Date | This column should contain the review date of the RAID item | No | use 'Attribute Assignment.' | Review date | |
Owner | This column should capture the name, email or ID of the owner. | Owner |
Enable the Fallback to Default User option if the user specified in the excel sheet does not exist in Amplify, and you want to select another user name. Note: This option is mostly used after previewing the mapping when Amplify returns an error stating that it could not find a user of that name in the system. | |
Financial Impact | This column should financial impact. | use 'Attribute Assignment.' |
Financial Impact |
Status | This column should capture the status of the RAID item. Can be Open or Closed. | use 'Attribute Assignment.' | Status | ||
Closing Comments | This column can be used to capture the closing comments when the status is set to 'Closed.' | 'Attribute Assignment' | Closing Comments | ||
Custom Field1 (Name of the custom field) | This column should contain the custom field values. | Custom Field | Select the custom field name in the field below. | Depending on the type of custom field (for example, select field, traffic light, or option field) you will have to match the attributes. |
Mapping Specifications for Benefit Integration
Column Label in the source spreadsheet (labels are kept identical to the column labels in the Benefit Fastload sheet) | What data should this column contain? | Is this data mandatory for mapping? |
Which Benefit attribute should this column be mapped to? |
What type of data is this?/ what is the name of the field associated via Attribute Assignment? |
Additional Information |
Parent External ID or Amplify ID | This column should contain the Amplify ID, name or external ID of the Parent initiative within which the benefit from the excel sheet will be copied. | Yes |
Parent Initiative
Select any of these options based on what type of data you have added in the source file.
Enable the Fallback to Default Initiative option if the Parent Initiative ID specified in the excel sheet does not exist in Amplify, and you want an initiative of your choice to be used in its place. Note: This option is mostly used after previewing the mapping when Amplify returns an error stating that it could not find an initiative of that name in the system. |
Benefit External ID | This column should contain a unique external identifier. The ID is copied over to Amplify during the first integration and used to find matching records for updating the data. | No | Identifier Lookup | External ID |
The external ID will be useful if you want to update the benefit profile settings via integrations later. Amplify will update the details based on a match to the external ID. If a Benefit External ID is not used for your project, feel free to add No Action in the Type field. |
Benefit Name | This column should contain the name of the benefit. | Yes | use 'Attribute Assignment'. | Name | |
Benefit Classification | Classification to which the benefit would belong. | Yes | Classification |
Select any of these options based on what type of data you have added in the source file. |
Benefit Owner | User name, email, or ID of the user who would be the benefit owner | Yes | Owner |
Select any of these options based on what type of data you have added in the source file. Enable the Fallback to Default User option if the user specified in the excel sheet does not exist in Amplify, and you want to select another user name. Note: This option is mostly used after previewing the mapping when Amplify returns an error stating that it could not find a user of that name in the system. |
Benefit Description | Benefit description which would display on the benefit dashboard | No | use 'Attribute Assignment'. | Description | |
Start Date | Benefit start date | Yes | use 'Attribute Assignment'. | Start Date | |
End Date | Benefit end date | Yes | use 'Attribute Assignment'. | End Date | |
Benefit Resolution | Should contain the resolution of the benefit. Can be QUARTER, MONTH, or FINANCIAL_YEAR(with an underscore character) | Yes | use 'Attribute Assignment'. | Resolution | |
Benefit Unit | The unit by which the benefit will be measured. This unit should contain only those values that are configured as Measurement Units in the administration interface. | Yes | Unit |
Select any of these options based on what type of data you have added in the source file. Enable the Fallback to Default Unit option if the unit specified in the excel sheet does not exist in Amplify, and you want to select another unit. Note: This option is mostly used after previewing the mapping when Amplify returns an error stating that it could not find the system's unit. |
Disbenefit | The value in this field determines whether the benefit is set as a 'disbenefit' or not. Can be TRUE or FALSE | No | use 'Attribute Assignment.' | This is a disbenefit. | |
Cumulative | The value in this field determines whether the benefit series will be shown cumulative on the dashboard chart. Can be TRUE or FALSE | No | use 'Attribute Assignment.' | This benefit is cumulative. | |
Team Role Assignment | This field should contain a user name and a team role that the user name will be assigned to the benefits team. | No | use 'Attribute Assignment.' |
<<any team role>> Next, match on Name or Email based on what the source data format is. |
Custom Field1 (Name of the custom field) | This column should contain the custom field values available for the benefit. | No | 'Custom Field' | Select the custom field name in the field below. | Depending on the type of custom field (for example, select field, traffic light, or option field) you will have to match the attributes. |
Mapping Specifications for Benefit Value Integration
Column Label in the source spreadsheet (labels are kept identical to the column labels in the Benefits Value Fastload sheet) | What data should this column contain? | Is this data mandatory for mapping? | Which Benefit attribute should this column be mapped to? | What type of data is this?/ what is the name of the field associated via Attribute Assignment? |
Additional Information |
Benefit External ID or Amplify ID | This column should contain the external ID or Amplify ID of the benefit you want to add values. | Yes | Parent |
This mapping is to be used if you do not know the name of benefit for which you want to add values; otherwise, just select 'No Action' in this field. Select any of these options based on what type of data you have added in the source file.
Benefit Name | This column should contain the name of the parent benefit profile for which you want to add values. | Yes | Parent | Name | This mapping is recommended to be used instead of mapping the external ID or the Amplify ID. If you want to use the above fields, just select 'No Action' in this field. |
Parent Type | This column's value determines whether it is a simple benefit or benefit that has measures for which you want to add values. Two inputs are allowed: 'Benefit' or 'Measure'. Select "Benefit" if it is a simple benefit. Select "Measure" if the Benefit has measures defined. | Yes | use 'Attribute Assignment'. |
Parent Type |
Series | This value should indicate what kind of benefit value you want to import. Allowed options are Plan, Actual, Forecast, CMO or FMO. | Yes | use 'Attribute Assignment'. |
Date | This field should contain the dates on which the benefit value has to be captured. Add the first day of the month if the resolution is "Monthly", the first day of the Financial in the case of "Year" or the first day of the Quarter. | Yes | use 'Attribute Assignment'. | Start Date | |
Value | Should contain the benefit value to be recorded. | Yes | use 'Attribute Assignment'. | Value |
Mapping Specifications for Cost Profile Integration
Column Label in the source spreadsheet (labels are kept identical to the column labels in the Cost Profiles Fastload sheet) | What data should this column contain? | Is this data mandatory for mapping? |
Which Cost attribute should this column be mapped to? |
What type of data is this?/ what is the name of the field associated via Attribute Assignment? |
Additional Information |
Parent External ID or Amplify ID | This column should contain the Amplify ID, name or external ID of the Parent initiative within which the cost will be copied. | Yes |
Parent Initiative
Select any of these options based on what type of data you have added in the source file.
Enable the Fallback to Default Initiative option if the Parent Initiative ID specified in the excel sheet does not exist in Amplify, and you want an initiative of your choice to be used in its place. Note: This option is mostly used after previewing the mapping when Amplify returns an error stating that it could not find an initiative of that name in the system. |
Cost External ID | This column should contain a unique external identifier. The ID is copied over to Amplify during the first integration and used to find matching records for updating the data. | No | Identifier Lookup | External ID |
The external ID will be useful if you want to update the cost profile settings via integrations later. Amplify will update the details based on a match to the external ID. If an External ID is not used for your project, please add No Action in the Type field. |
Cost Name | This column should contain the name of the cost. | Yes | use 'Attribute Assignment'. | Name | |
Cost Category | Category associated with the cost. | Yes | Cost Category |
Select any of these options based on what type of data you have added in the source file. |
Start Date | Cost start date | No | use 'Attribute Assignment'. | Start Date | If this field is not mapped, the project's start date will be the cost start date. |
End Date | Cost end date | No | use 'Attribute Assignment'. | End Date | If this field is not mapped, the project's end date will be end date. |
Cost Owner | User name, email, or ID of the user who would be the cost owner. The owner has to be an Amplify registered user. | Yes | Owner |
Select any of these options based on what type of data you have added in the source file. Enable the Fallback to Default User option if the user specified in the excel sheet does not exist in Amplify, and you want to select another user name. Note: This option is mostly used after previewing the mapping when Amplify returns an error stating that it could not find a user of that name in the system. |
Custom Field1 (Name of the custom field) | This column should contain the custom field values mapped to the cost classification. | No | 'Custom Field' | Select the custom field name in the field below. | Depending on the type of custom field (for example, select field, traffic light, or option field) you will have to match the attributes. |
Mapping Specifications for Cost Values Integration
Column Label in the source spreadsheet (labels are kept identical to the column labels in the Cost Value Fastload sheet) | What data should this column contain? | Is this data mandatory for mapping? | Which Cost attribute should this column be mapped to? | What type of data is this?/ what is the name of the field associated via Attribute Assignment? |
Additional Information |
Cost External ID or Amplify ID | This column should contain the external ID or Amplify ID of the cost profile for which you want to add values. | Yes | Cost |
This mapping is recommended to be used when you do not know the name of the cost or if there are multiple costs with the same name. You may select 'No Action' in this field if you know the cost's name, and it is unique to the initiative. Select any of these options based on what type of data you have added in the source file.
Cost Name | This column should contain the name of the cost profile for which you want to add values. | Yes | Cost | Name | This mapping is recommended to be used instead of mapping the external ID or the Amplify ID. If you want to use those fields, select 'No Action' in this field. |
Series | This value should indicate what kind of cost value you want to import. Allowed options are Budget, Actual or Forecast. | Yes | use 'Attribute Assignment'. |
Select any of these options based on what type of data you have added to the source file. |
Date | This value should reflect the date the cost starts having an impact. | Yes | use 'Attribute Assignment'. |
Start Date |
Use the format 'mm-dd-yyyy' |
Value | Should contain the benefit value to be recorded. | Yes | use 'Attribute Assignment'. | Value |
Mapping Specifications for Tasks Upload
Column Label in the source spreadsheet (labels are kept identical to the column labels in the Tasks Sheet) | What data should this column contain? | Is this data mandatory for mapping? |
Which Task attribute should this column be mapped to? |
What type of data is this?/ what is the name of the field associated via Attribute Assignment? |
Additional Information |
Amplify ID or External ID | Amplify ID, name or external ID of the Parent initiative within which new risks will be copied. | Yes | Parent Initiative |
Select any one of these options based on what type of data you have added in the source file. |
Task Name | Name of the Task | Yes | use 'Attribute Assignment.' | Name | |
Start Date | This column should contain the start date of the task. | Yes | use 'Attribute Assignment.' | Start date | |
End Date | This column should contain the end date of the task. | Yes | use 'Attribute Assignment.' | End date | |
Progress (%) | This column should capture the task progress as a percentage value. | No | Progress | ||
Type | This column should contain values that decide what type of task it is. You can choose Task or Milestone. | No | use 'Attribute Assignment'. | Type | |
Owner | This column should capture the name, email or ID of the task owner. | No | Owner |
Enable the Fallback to Default User option if the user specified in the excel sheet does not exist in Amplify, and you want to select another user name. Note: This option is mostly used after previewing the mapping when Amplify returns an error stating that it could not find a user of that name in the system. |
Display on Dashboard | This column should indicate whether the task is to be displayed on Amplify dashboards. Values can be TRUE or FALSE. | No | Display on Dashboard | ||
Stage gate to milestone mapping | This field should contain the stage name linked to the milestone. | No | Stage- Milestone Mapping |
Impact to Milestone Mapping | This field should contain the impact name linked to the milestone. | No | Impact - Milestone Mapping |
Custom Field1 (Name of the custom field) | This column should contain the custom field values. | Custom Field | Select the custom field name in the field below. | Depending on the type of custom field (for example, select field, traffic light, or option field) you will have to match the attributes. |
Mapping Specifications for Users Upload
Column Label in the source spreadsheet | What data should this column contain? | Is this data mandatory for mapping? | What type of data is this?/ what is the name of the field associated via Attribute Assignment? |
Additional Information |
Name | Name of the user, which will be referred to throughout the software. | Yes |
Name |
Select any one of these options based on what type of data you have added in the source file. |
Email address of the user, which will be used to login and receive software notifications | Yes | |||
Password | A password for the user to use to login initially | Yes | Password | |
Allow login (Allow log in via Amplify when SAML is enabled |
Only if SAML is enabled |
Allow log in via Amplify when SAML is enabled
Read more about SAML |
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