Users can be added to the team of an initiative and the team of a benefit through the Team sub-menu. Before setting up teams, you must create roles with specific permissions to be assigned to different team members. It is possible to create specific custom roles and configure the access permissions for the role.
To create a new role:
- Click on Team & Roles.
- Click on Create a New Role.
- Name the role and use the options below, select the permissions.
Cascade Permissions, if set, will ensure that the permissions are cascaded from the current level to the lower levels. If the role with cascade permissions is assigned to a user in the program team, then the user is granted the same access permissions to the projects, benefits, RAID, measures and all the rest of the components within the program.
It is also possible to adjust these permissions when adding a Team Member.
If you disable Cascade Permissions the role will have access only to the initiative and its direct benefits, RAID, or other components.
- Click on Save when done.
You can edit an existing team role by clicking on the Edit button next to a team role. Click on the Delete Role button in the edit team role page to delete a role. A role can only be deleted if it is not in use.
See also
How do I add team members to a project?
How do I add external stakeholders and shared team members?
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