Amplify allows you to move an initiative to another level in the hierarchy. Moving an Initiative will move all the associated data for any Initiatives, Benefits or Measures that may exist in the hierarchy beneath it. This includes financial information and team access.
You must make sure that the targeted initiative allows the classification type of the initiative or benefit to be moved. Moving a parent initiative under its own child initiative is not allowed as this will create a cyclic association.
To move an initiative to a different hierarchical position:
- Access the initiative Properties.
- From the Hamburger menu, select the option, Move this Initiative(Program, Component or Project).
- In the dialogue that displays, enter or select the initiative name to move this initiative.
- Click on the Move button.
A notification banner displays at the top of the page showing that the project is being updated. Click on the Refresh button to refresh the page.
You will now be able to see your project at its new location.
You can also move a benefit from one initiative to another.
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