The Performance Dashboard is the place where you want to look if you want to get a quick overview of the overall progress of benefits delivered, project schedule progress or to view items that require immediate attention such as pending workflow approvals, delivery threats or benefit threats. The Performance tab will not be available unless it is set for the initiative classification/project type via Administrative/Configuration Settings.
This article covers the following topics:
- The Stage-gate process map
- Schedule Progress, Percentage of benefits delivered, Health overview
- Delivery threats
- Pending Approvals
The Stage-gate Process Map
When a Stage Gate has been set up, your Performance Dashboard will show your Stage Gate:
The stage-gate process is depicted using a linear process map. The stages are represented by the horizontal bars, and the gates are represented by the interceding circles with the gate name displayed underneath. The stage-gate process progresses by securing approvals for each stage. If a stage is approved, you will see the stage line and the gate circle in green. Clicking on the gate name opens up the Approval panel below it.
The approval panel shows the following information:
- The current stage name and notes for the approver.
- The type of approval required:- unanimous, self, or single approval.
- The current stage-gate name and whether it is pending or approved
- Names of the current approvers. Note: Role names will be displayed along with the names if the approver was added because the workflow was configured with their role as one of the approver roles
- Fields that allow you to add new approvers.
Schedule Progress, Percentage of benefits delivered, and Health overview
The Performance dashboard also shows certain key indicators that help you track the schedule progress, the percentage of benefits delivered, and the realisation health of the benefits.
Below the process widget, the following widgets are shown:
- Schedule Progress: Schedule Progress widget on Performance Dashboard displays the overall progress of the entire tasks within your initiative
- Percentage of Benefits Delivered will display the percentage of your target Benefits that have been delivered. It is calculated by adding up the progress percentages of all benefits for the initiative and then dividing that value by their total count. The individual benefit progress percentage is calculated by dividing actuals by plan. If the benefit is cumulative, it the last cumulative actual value divided by the total plan value. If the benefit is non-cumulative, this is calculated by dividing the value in the current actual divided by the plan value. The progress percentage will be zero if there is no plan or actual value for the current period.
- In the Health Overview, the number of initiatives, benefits and measures within this initiative is sorted by category. The categories are: in danger (red), needs attention (amber), on track (green) and not available or N/A (grey). The categories are based on the Amplify Index TM of the initiatives and benefits and the realisation health of the measures.
Please note that the Benefit Health widget will be hidden if Amplify Index is not enabled for your instance.
Delivery Threats
The Delivery Threats widget displays items that are likely to cause delay to the project. Click on the name of an item to navigate to the relevant page where you can take the required actions that will remedy the situation.
Possible situations that can cause different types of delivery threats are listed below.
Status Fields
- When the initiative has one or more project status fields showing amber or red. -
Delayed Initiative
- When the Initiative has schedules, but the tasks or milestones have baseline variance. -
Stage Gate Date Missed
- When an initiative has a classification where both the stage-gate process and local schedule is enabled, where a process milestone linked to a stage has its end date in the past. -
High Risk without mitigation
- When a high-rated risk item doesn't have a mitigation plan. -
High Risk Initiative
- When an Initiative has high-rated risks. -
High Rated Issue/Risk/Dependency
- When a RAID item is rated high. Note: The rating a href="/hc/en-us/articles/360037827154" target="_blank" rel="noopener"configuration should have the Display on Dashboard setting enabled for it to be displayed here.
The benefit with overdue Actuals
- When benefits with measures have overdue actuals. To remove this threat, record actuals for relevant measures. -
Delayed Task/milestone
- When a scheduled task or milestone that should have started has not recorded any progress yet. Note: Display on Dashboard setting should be enabled for the task or milestone for it to be displayed here.
- When a task or milestone that should have ended (has the end date in the past) have recorded progress less than 100%. -
Risk Review
- When the Review Date is the present day or in the past. Update the review date to a future date or clear the review date field to get rid of this threat.
Status Fields
Benefit Threats
The Benefits Threats widget will get populated if there is a benefit that has Amplify Index less than 100%.
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