Amplify uses powerful widgets that allow you to review and evaluate the benefit realised by your enterprise from time to time. These widgets are presented on various dashboards within Amplify.
On various dashboards within Amplify, different forms of calculation are used. The following sections describe the Amplify Index, Health Overview, NPV Calculation, and Benefit Progress widgets.
Amplify Index TM
On the initiative and the benefit, the Amplify Index TM is calculated and displayed at the top of the dashboard. During the early stages of benefits realisation, it can be difficult to accurately forecast whether a benefit is on track to be delivered according to plan. The Amplify Index™ takes the guesswork out and replaces it with a score representing the expected benefit return compared to what is planned. The Index is calculated as a percentage, which allows for comparison of both financial and non-financial benefits. The Index from the Benefits is rolled up to program level, which allows for real-time comparison of programs to identify those that are on track and those that are unlikely to realise their expected value. When you have entered a weight on the benefit, the Amplify Index TM of this benefit will be given more weight on the calculation on the initiative level compared to the other Benefits.
Percentage of Benefits Delivered
This is the percentage of the total planned benefit that has been delivered.
It shows you the percentage of the target that has been achieved so far and is calculated when there is an actual recorded for the measure. This appears as the Benefit Progress on the measure dashboard. The Benefit Progress on the benefit divides the forecast for the present day by the planned benefit. The benefit progress is then rolled up to the initiative, where the benefits delivered is shown as a percentage.
When you have entered a weight on the benefit the progress of this Benefit will be given more weight in the calculation of the Initiative compared to the other Benefits.
Health Overview
The Health Overview is present in the Performance Dashboard and is an indication of how much of the target of this measure has been realised compared to what is expected for today.
It Identifies immediate threats to the delivery of the portfolio, along with recommendations for action. Health Overview displays the direct health of an initiative, as well as rolled-up status information for included child items.
Net Present Value
The Net Present Value (NPV) on the benefit is a result of the formula calculation. The planned NPV is calculated by comparing the FMO value to the CMO value and then applying a discount rate to the value for each year. The forecasted NPV is calculated by comparing the forecast value to the CMO value and then applying a discount rate to the value for each year. If your business case has a baseline, the baselined NPV will also be shown. The baselined NPV is the planned NPV at the time the baseline was taken.
On the NPV Dashboard, the net present value is shown as a graph. The net present value on the initiative compares the costs of the initiative with the returns of the underlying benefits. This value is multiplied by the discount rate for each financial year.
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