Dataset Identifier
A new dataset identifier column on custom fields has been added to the existing functionality
Enhanced Table Properties
In Amplify tables, the hamburger menu now displays Column Expand All. We have also introduced the Export to Excel from Table button.
Stage Gate History
Stage Gate history and user views have been added to API_V2
Permanent Deletion
Administrator items can now be permanently deleted.
Schedule Baseline
We have added the ability to baseline the initiative schedule
Baseline Privileges
Ability to secure the baseline functionality with a team role. Only users with that role are able to create and update baselines
Customised Timeout (SSRS Reporting)
Customised timeout for executing SSRS reports accommodating long-running reports
Benefit Pathway Improvements
Workflow and UI improvements for the Pathway when creating benefits
Financial year Labelling
Succinct financial year labelling for split year financial years. FY19-20 becomes FY20
Negative Numbers on Investment Dashboard
Negative numbers are now supported on the Investment dashboard graph
Bug Fixes
AMP-7582 - Unit change resolution by reference not working as expected with percentages that are non-cumulative
AMP-7906 - Cannot set favourite as home page from the personal dashboard
AMP-7913 - Save and create another task doesn't work from the table view
AMP-7914 - Creating tasks and then leaving the page doesn't prompt the user that changes have been made
AMP-7915 - Date & time zone fixes
AMP-7921 - Summary tasks not working when tasks are imported using Excel - Import / Export method
AMP-7926 - RAID on Project Dashboard doesn't show issues and/or other items
AMP-7932 - Removing a baseline doesn’t show up in the History tab
AMP-7938 - Expand all in the table - "Expand all" is incorrect in pivot mode
AMP-7532 - Custom Field - System does not allow recreating deleted custom field with the same name and/or label
AMP-7739 - Apply constraints button is superficially adjusting the benefit dates on the Schedule
AMP-7749 - Users have no access to benefits and risks under the initiative of which users have full access to but no cascading
AMP-7751 - Order of custom fields not honoured on the tasks form
AMP-7769 - Ability to navigate to the destination of URL Custom Field on properties dashboard
AMP-7773 - Remove maxlength attribute on custom fields
AMP-7774 - Enforce classification restrictions on dates of benefits created on the map
AMP-7775 - Investment dashboard totals can show the wrong label, offset by 1 period
AMP-7807 - Remove measurement schedule owner concept from the measure
AMP-7811 - Cost calculation fails when cost category data is offset
AMP-7812 - Benefit calculation fails when benefits are offset
AMP-7813 - Values displayed on goal dashboard is 0 when the initiative date does not align with FY
AMP-7819 - Prevent unnecessary before_actions from running in AvatarsController
AMP-7832 - Initiatives are duplicated in the table view for users that hold multiple roles on that initiative
AMP-7834 - Deleting a shared team will leave an unused team in the team's table
AMP-7838 - Report images are not being shown correctly
AMP-7841 - Reporting dashboard shows archived data without any way to filter it
AMP-7845 - Measure forecast has gaps when a measure or benefit dates are changed
AMP-7868 - RAID calendar UI hovers over the input field when using Internet Explorer
AMP-7892 - Investment Dashboard table view does not reconfigure on page load
AMP-7893 - Initiative table drop down is incorrectly showing investment dashboard views
AMP-7895 - Stage gate milestone linear spread has an issue with alternative endings
AMP-7899 - External Schedule: Dependency (created from Successor side) is not available in card view from the Predecessor side after the creation (if they belong to different branches).
AMP-7902 - Updating baseline - Adding a new initiative to a baseline will duplicate everything in the baseline
AMP-7911 - Investment dashboard table - Table on investment dashboard should be in tree view mode by default
AMP-7912 - Extra bracket being rendered on properties dashboard
AMP-7924 - Map link is broken on the Amplify Process dashboard if the initiative has no children
AMP-7971 - Integrations - External ID not populated under certain circumstances
AMP-7891 - Shared team - Archive/restore/delete an initiative under a shared team will archive/restore/delete the shared team
AMP-7954 - Shared team - Pseudo initiative is not restored if an archived shared team is restored
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