Non Financials on Dashboards
This month we're releasing an update to the Amplify standard dashboards that allows the inclusion of non-financial benefits on them. For reference, a non financial benefit is one that uses a measurement unit that is not marked as financial. Along with functional updates, there have also been some visual improvements.
This update affects the following areas:
- Benefit Classification Configuration
- Project Dashboard
- Financial Dashboard
- (Stage Gate) Process Dashboard
Benefit Classification Configuration
In order to accommodate these updates, there have been a few changes to the configuration page for benefit classifications.
Aggregation Method
The current process to display benefit values on the dashboards is to aggregate them by their sum. Non financial benefits now have the option of sum or average (mean). The 'average' aggregation uses an unweighted mean value to display their respective values on the dashboards.
Include on Dashboard
This new option toggle will determine whether or not the benefits using the classification will be represented on the dashboards.
This option can be disqualified if benefits of the same classification use a variation of options as the result of the configuration options being set to 'unlock'. For example, using different metric units or different reporting cadences. Options that can cause conflicts will now be 'locked' by default. Amplify recommends that, instead of creating variable benefits, a new benefit classification should be created. |
Project Dashboard
The project dashboard will now display non financial benefit classifications beneath the current three widgets: financial benefits, project costs, and RAID items. All of the new widgets function the same way that the financial benefits widget currently does.
Each widget now includes a link icon in the header that will navigate to the respective benefit, cost, or RAID item register and filter for the respective classification.
The benefit widgets also include a counter icon in the header. This counter represents how many benefits are included in the classification in the current view. This counter is also a link to the relevant register.
Financial Dashboard
As non-financials are now supported on this dashboard, the finance dashboard has been renamed value dashboard.
The previous functionality of this dashboard is preserved however now non financial classifications can be viewed separately. This is achieved using the tabs above the graph. Each non financial classification is represented by its own tab. Clicking on one of these will change the view.
On these tabs, there has been a slight update to the filters options. The cost / benefit and benefit classifications options have been removed as they are not relevant for these classifications.
Line Graph Option
The current bar graph on this dashboard has been updated to allow series data to be represent as a line graph instead of a column.
There is a new display graph type option available in the toolbar, represented by a cog icon. These options are used to individually change the series data between bar and line display.
Process Dashboard
The process dashboard (named differently depending on your active stage gate process) has undergone some visual changes as well as introducing the classifications tabs as described for Financial Dashboard.
Costs and Financial Benefits have been allocated to their own tabs with all non financial benefit classifications receiving their own tabs.
Each graph widget heading now contains a counter icon as described in Project Dashboard where the number represents the number of benefits of this classification contributing to the graph.
Kanban Child Tasks
The Amplify Kanban boards now support the display of child tasks. A child task is one that is nested beneath another task and were previously excluded from the Kanban board. Now all nested tasks will be available on the Kanban board and function the same way as other tasks.
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